Sunday, May 2, 2010

Train Wheels Beating, Wind In My Eyes

Finally. After an impossibly busy week, full of exams and packing and unpacking and porch crawling, I am free. Few things in life are better than that feeling you get when you know you're going home after a long time away. Though I actually enjoy travelling (people watching in passenger waiting areas, airport souvenir shops, the smell of fresh coffee brewing on the train), nothing beats being home. I'm on the train right now, heading for Toronto. Were it not for the little punk sitting beside me currently freaking out because his gameboy ran out of batteries, I would be perfectly content. I wonder if he can see what I'm typing...

My only plans for this summer are: practice practice practice playing my guitar, and sit on patios like it's my job. What about you?


  1. I might porch crawl if I knew what it was. :D

  2. well, let me tell you! mix a 40oz. of vodka, a 24 of beer (a light tasting lager is probably best) and about 5 pink lemonade concentrate cans. stir around in a big contatiner, don't drink too fast, and enjoy. perfect for summer days with good friends.

  3. eeee!!
    im gonna take a 19th century german history course and try to lose weight
    and i've decided to finish every video game i never matter what the console

  4. People watching on the subway. :)

    Staring at someone and then looking away when you catch their eye is irreplaceable.

  5. porch crawler, you will always have a special place in my heart <3

  6. Sounds great ^__^
    and the pic is tres pretty <3

  7. I'm glad someone else out there has fond memories of porch crawler. The line between love and hate can be fuzzy with a drink that powerful. Anyone out there who is going to try it this summer, be careful!

    And I love love love passing time on the subway looking around at everyone. Have you ever noticed that everyone looks miserable on the subway though?


And I'll love you forever.